Texas Department of Transportation
Public Notice

Senate Bill 370, 75th Legislature, 1997, abolished the Texas Turnpike Authority and created the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the Texas Department of Transportation. This new division is governed by a board of directors. Additionally, Senate Bill 370 did not continue the rules of the Texas Turnpike Authority, codified in Title 43, Part II, of the Texas Administrative Code as rules of the Board. Transportation Code, §361.042, requires the Board to adopt rules for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business. At a January 13, 1998 meeting the board passed a resolution affirming that the administrative rules of the former Texas Turnpike Authority have no force or effect as rules of the board or any other state agency. By publication of this notice, the board respectfully requests the Texas Register Division to remove the rules of the former Texas Turnpike Authority as they currently exist, and codify all future administrative rules promulgated by the Board in new Chapters beginning with number 50 of Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Part II.

Bob Jackson
Acting General Counsel
Texas Department of Transportation
Filed: January 14, 1998