Secretary Berry Marks National Voter Registration Day

Deadline to register to vote in the General Election is Oct. 6, 2014

September 23, 2014
Contact: Alicia Pierce or Jeff Hillery
512/ 463-5770

AUSTIN — Today, people all across the country will celebrate the third annual National Voter Registration Day. Texas Secretary of State Nandita Berry is reminding Texans to register by October 6 for the November 4 Election.

“I am committed to making sure every eligible Texan has the information they need to register for this fall’s election, including the fact that you can download and print a voter registration form right from VoteTexas.gov,” said Secretary Berry.

To register, Texans can fill out an online form available through VoteTexas.gov, print it, sign it, and mail it in. Texans also have the option to request a postage paid voter registration card be mailed directly to them at a specific address.

For the 13.6 million Texans already registered to vote, Secretary Berry had an additional message.

“Now is also a good time to check your registration to make sure you are prepared for Election Day on November 4,” said Secretary Berry.

Texans already registered can review their information through VoteTexas.gov using links under the register to vote section. If voters need to update their registrations, they can do so online as long as they still reside in their county of registration. If a voter wishes to change their county of registration, they will need to fill out and send in a new application.

Secretary Berry is traveling the state to make sure all eligible voters have information on how, when and where to vote. Early voting begins on Oct. 20 and ends on Oct. 31. Election Day is Nov. 4, 2014.

Visit VoteTexas.gov, your official voting resource, for more information about voting in Texas.

Additionally, Texans can stay up to date online by following VoteTexas on Twitter and Instagram and by liking VoteTexas on Facebook. Follow social media conversations about voting in Texas using #VoteTexas.
